One of the oldest surviving books provides advice that is just as relevant to our lives today as it was 2,700 years ago ...
Homer's epic poem tells the story of how Odysseus struggled to return home after the Trojan War. It is one of the greatest stories in history ...
Homer's epic poem has much to teach us about human nature if we first take the time to gain an understanding of Greek mythology ...
Paul Johnson's biography of Socrates is a sweeping overview of the life of an extraordinary man and the Athenian society that he couldn't live without ...
Edith Hamilton's classic book, Mythology, is an excellent introduction to the fascinating and often bewildering world of the Greek Gods ...
The first two books of Plato's Republic address the question of how we should define justice and begins to discuss the role of the state ...
Edith Hamilton's book places Ancient Greek civilization on a pedestal. It is a useful way for readers to understand an ancient civilization ...
The life of Jesus Christ is central to the works of many authors, but can we rely on the accuracy of the accounts of his life? ...
The trial and confinement of Socrates ...
The Great Books cast a formidable shadow but most of them were meant to be read by a wide audience. Reading plans make it easier to get started ...
The Substance of a Liberal Education ...
Are the classics obsolete in our modern world? No, and in fact they are more relevant than ever before ...